The undersigned organizations endorse the following statement:
As seasons change, we make preparations to stay safe and adapt to the cooler weather. We check our smoke
and carbon monoxide detectors. We make sure our cars are ready for winter driving. We bundle up before
we leave the house.
According to the experts there is one additional step we should take: get our annual flu shots.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu has been a leading cause of death
in Pennsylvania. The state Department of Health reported that, during the 2019–2020 flu season, nearly
130,000 Pennsylvanians contracted the flu, and more than 100 people tragically lost their lives due to
complications from the flu.
And, since COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we are approaching flu season this year, health care
providers across the Commonwealth are encouraging every eligible individual to get their flu shot.
When you get a flu shot, you are doing so much more than lowering your chances of getting sick; you also
are protecting people who cannot get the flu shot due to age or other conditions. And this year, as we face
the convergence of flu season and the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting yourself and helping our community
becomes even more important. Getting a flu shot helps your health care team rule out the flu if you do get
sick and need treatment, and can help them diagnose and treat you faster. Plus, by staying healthy during
flu season, you are helping our hospitals, health care providers, and caregivers at the bedside, preserve
limited hospital beds and health care resources.
Our nation’s infectious disease experts, health care providers, and researchers are doing incredible work to
help us defeat COVID-19 once and for all. We trust their experience, knowledge, and guidance. We are
committed to doing our part to keep our communities healthy by taking these simple steps to slow the
spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses like the flu:
- Continuing to wear masks
- Maintaining safe distances from others
- Washing our hands frequently
- Covering our coughs and sneezes
- Staying home when we are sick
- Getting a flu shot
The science shows us that these simple steps can help us stay healthy while protecting our loved ones,
neighbors, and our health care providers. While we may come from a variety of organizations and
industries, these are things we all can support.
Other organizations are encouraged to join the ongoing effort, which will continue to be promoted
throughout the flu season.
To support this effort, Lyft, the ride-sharing company, is offering ride credits for people traveling to get
a flu shot. Pennsylvanians can use the code PAFIGHTSFLU for rides to and from vaccination sites. Ride
credits will be available until Dec. 31, 2020 and additional terms may apply.
Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania
American Academy of Pediatrics – Pennsylvania Chapter
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists – Pennsylvania
American College of Physicians – Pennsylvania Chapter
Free Clinic Association of Pennsylvania
Bradbury Sullivan LGBT Community Center
Capital Blue Cross
Cheyney University
Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce
Health Federation of Philadelphia
Healthcare Council of Western Pennsylvania
Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania
National Association of Social Workers – Pennsylvania
Latino Connection
LeadingAge PA
Life Sciences Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians
Pennsylvania Alliance of YMCAs
Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association
Pennsylvania Association for Behavioral Health
Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers
Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers Society
Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health
Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians
Pennsylvania Dental Association
Pennsylvania Homecare Association
Pennsylvania Immunization Coalition
Pennsylvania Medical Society
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders
Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association
Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
Pennsylvania Psychological Association
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society
Pennsylvania Public Health Association
Pennsylvania Rural Health Association
Pennsylvania School Board Association
Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
Pennsylvania Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association
Safety-Net Association of Pennsylvania
Service Employees International Union – Pennsylvania (SEIU)
The Hospital and Health System Association of Pennsylvania
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA)
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia
The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
The Pennsylvania Department of Health
The Urban Healthcare Coalition