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Air Pollution and Public Health

Join Lancaster General Health and the American Lung Association for a discussion on the health impacts of a changing climate. The US Global Change Research Project recently issued a stark report about the human health impacts of climate change, including the ways in which health is already being affected. Health and medical professionals, educators, and public health advocates are invited to join a discussion about this climate-health connection featuring Allison Crimmins, environmental scientist with the US EPA and a lead author of the report. With air quality in Lancaster region among the worst in Pennsylvania, the topic has important local health implications.

RSVP to Margaret Parson ( (717-541-5864, x 124).

DATE: July 13

TIME: 9 – 10:30 AM

WHERE: Stager Conference Rm 5, Lancaster General Hospital, 555 N Duke St, Lancaster


Allison Crimmins, Environmental Scientist, EPA

Kevin Stewart, Director of Environmental Health, American Lung Association Mid-Atlantic

Alan Peterson, MD, Emeritus Director, Community and Environmental Medicine, Lancaster General Health

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