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“Code Blue” Emergency Declared

Click to Read the Bill


Take Action

This is an urgent appeal for you to raise your voice for safe, quality care!

We’ve made it easy for you to contact your lawmakers and urge them to support HB 2092.

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Why are Nurses Calling a Code Blue: Nursing Emergency?

Pennsylvania patients are suffering the consequences of chronic, unsafe staffing levels. A legislative solution can no longer be postponed. It’s time to act. That’s why we’re contacting lawmakers in Harrisburg.

  • Surgical deaths are more than 60% higher in poorly-staffed hospitals
  • 70% of Pennsylvania’s nurses surveyed confirm inadequate staffing negatively impacts their ability to serve their patients daily or weekly
  • In 2014, a total of 240,778 “serious events and incidents” were reported to the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System



What is the Patient-Centered Safe Nurse Staffing Act?

This act (HB 2092) empowers nurses to create patient-safety staffing plans aimed at reducing medical errors, saving lives, and confronting chronic burnout by nursing professionals.


Access PSNA’s Exclusive “Code Blue” Publication

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  • Read articles on Safe Staffing written by: a young nurse professional, nursing students, State representatives, a patient’s family, and a physician.
  • RN testimonials
  • A letter from PSNA CEO Betsy M. Snook, MEd, RN, BSN


Make Sure They Can Hear You Now

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The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Political Action Committee, PSNA-PAC, is a non-partisan organization, funded by members donations through which PSNA-PAC can contribute to pro-nursing candidates for Pennsylvania State House and State Senate. We contribute to candidates whom have demonstrated to PSNA their ability to defend and further your profession. We only use individual donations and do not use membership dues. PSNA-PAC is your voice in Harrisburg.







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