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NFP Awards Jack Barger Scholarship

The Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania (NFP), which administers a scholarship fund on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), has announced the recipients of the 2015 Jack E. Barger, Sr. Scholarship totaling $6,000. The fund awards $1,000 individual scholarships to nursing students that are veterans, in active duty military or are the child or spouse of a veteran or active duty personnel. Established by the Department of Pennsylvania VFW, the scholarship fund is in memory of the late Jack E. Barger, Sr., Department Commander, who died while in office. The NFP is pleased to award six $1,000 scholarships to the following students:


  • Whitney Taylor Cross, Penn State Altoona
  • Taylor McCarthy, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
  • Lauren White, Moravian College
  • Jennifer Jones, Abington Memorial Hospital Dixon School of Nursing
  • Hilary Barrows, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
  • Courtney Muendlein, Misericordia University


“We congratulate this year’s scholarship recipients and are pleased to support their career in nursing,” stated NFP President Elizabeth Walls, MBA, MSN, RN. “Other community organizations wishing to support nursing students can receive assistance in administering their scholarships through NFP’s services.”


To learn more about the NFP and scholarship opportunities, visit The NFP is organized and operated to support the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association’s (PSNA) efforts to enhance nursing and healthcare.

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