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Help PSNA-PAC Pass the Patient Safety Act/HB 106

PSNA is building the largest grassroots army in our 120-year history to pass the most important state law in our lifetime! Even if politics isn’t your thing, this is the one time where getting involved matters. This one affects EVERY nurse in Pennsylvania. Please watch this video, and chip in $25 before Labor Day to help finish the job by getting the Patient Safety Act to the Governor’s desk for a signature!

The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Political Action Committee, PSNA-PAC, is a non-partisan organization, funded by members donations through which PSNA-PAC can contribute to pro-nursing candidates for Pennsylvania State House and State Senate. We contribute to candidates who have demonstrated to PSNA their ability to defend and further the nursing profession. We only use individual donations and do not use membership dues. PSNA-PAC is your voice in Harrisburg.



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