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Legislative Day


PSNA is the respected voice for a tradition of nursing care that serves nearly every Pennsylvania family. Nurses are trusted because we represent our patients with passion and integrity. To protect the interests of nursing professionals and patients, we must establish trust. On Monday, April 24, 2017, nurses from across the state are encouraged to attend PSNA’s annual Legislative Day to learn about legislative initiatives impacting the profession. Attendees will have the opportunity to educate and inform Pennsylvania’s leaders with researched, reasoned information and facts. Most importantly, we help policymakers assess the impact of their policy decisions on the people we serve together. For well over 110 years, we’ve followed this principled, professional path to leadership. We hope you’ll join your colleagues in April.

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Registration is now closed.


8:30 am       Breakfast and Registration
9:30 am       Welcome
10:00 am     Safe Staffing
11:00 am     Delegation
12:00 pm     Lunch
1:00 pm       Meet with Legislators
2:00 pm       Medical Marijuana Update
3:00 pm       Closing

Cost & Location

  • $10 PSNA member  /  $20 non-PSNA member  /  $5 for non-licensed RN student
  • Hilton Harrisburg  /  One North Second St, Harrisburg, PA  17101


  1. Registration closes April 17, 2017.
  2. No refunds will be issued for this event.
  3. Questions? Contact
  4. This activity has been submitted to Pennsylvania State Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Pennsylvania State Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
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